Our policy is to manufacture products which comply with the specifications established and agreed with our customers at a realistic and marketable cost, and to deliver them on time. In order to implement the policy, we will follow a continuous programme of improvement, based on prevention rather than detection of faults.
Working with TQM (Total Quality Management) principles we will equip each of our personnel with the knowledge and resources required to successfully contribute towards our on-going search for excellence. We will provide a safe working environment for all our personnel and continually check and redefine product safety levels to ensure customer safety, and to always be aware of the environmental implications of all our processes and practices.
To continually improve our supplier relationships by periodic auditing, consultation and training. Commitment at all levels to ‘Getting it right first time’ is essential to successful implementation of the policy.


Learn the requirements of our customers and Teach our employees

Provide the Correct Necessary Equipment to get the job done right

Provide a Safe and Pleasant working environment

Operate a Get It Right First Time approach

Use supportive Systems and Procedures to ensure consistency

Implement Continuous Improvement through Research and Development

Protect the environment by using cleaner, safer working practices

Operate within *Government Guidelines

Set goals in achieving recognized Accreditations

Deliver On Time at the Right Price